IDPA Announcements
9/14/2022 – No firearms are to be uncased or handled in the parking lot.
3/28/2022 – The 2017 IDPA Rule Book will remain in effect for the April IDPA match. IDPA match fees in 2022 will remain $25.00 for non-club members and $20 for club members. Per the revised club rules, the IDPA match fee for Safety Officers working the match is $5.00. This applies to both club member and non-club member Safety Officers. Safety Officers working the match should select the $20.00 Match Safety Officer discount during the registration process on PractiScore.
3/10/2022 – Inside the waistband appendix holsters are not allowed at any IDPA matches or practices due to our property holder’s rules.
Thank you, Tim Applegate IDPA Match Director (tapple1@comcast.net)
What is IDPA ?
From IDPA.com: “IDPA is the use of practical equipment including full charge service ammunition to solve simulated ‘real world’ self-defense scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defense use. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of an individual.”
IDPA at Wayne County Raccoon Hunters Club
All IDPA Matches, Practices, and Classifiers are open to the public. You do not need to be a member of the Raccoon Hunters Club.
IDPA Matches
Our monthly IDPA matches are held at 10 a.m. on the 3rd Saturday of the month from April thru October. Registration opens at 9:00 a.m., 2 weeks before the match at PractiScore.com under “Wayne County Raccoon Hunters Club – IDPA“. Any additional matches will be posted in the IDPA Special Events and News section below. ALL events are also posted on the Events Calendar.
The cost is $25, and $20 for WCRHC members with a current membership card.
The Safety Briefing / Shooter’s Meeting starts 15 minutes before each match.
In order to minimize contact with the Staff, there will be no walk-in registration or payment to our IDPA matches. Payment and waiver agreement will take place during your on-line registration.
When they arrive, shooters are asked to practice distancing to holster up at the Safe Area tables, stop at the range building window to announce they have arrived, and then proceed directly to their bay and stay there until we gather for the Shooter’s Meeting / Safety Briefing before the start of the match.
We will be practicing social-distancing wherever possible. Please be aware that wearing a mask while outdoors is an individual choice, as is attending this match. By attending you agree that you are willing to accept any liability that may come from un-masked faces. If you are not comfortable with that, please do not attend.
PCC: With the exception of BUG Matches, we are now allowing PCC guns to be used in our IDPA matches / practices. The gun must be carried muzzle down in a gun bag or secured in a gun cart, and with an open chamber flag inserted. The gun and flag will only be removed when the shooter is at the firing line in preparation for a low-ready start. Once shooting has ceased, the gun will be cleared and flagged, and re-inserted in the gun bag or gun cart to be carried from the line.
IDPA Match Results will be posted on PractiScore
IDPA Practices
General Information
- Bring your usual IDPA gear. Only IDPA-approved holsters are allowed. Shooters without a holster for their gun may carry their empty gun between their range bag and the make-ready position in a gun sleeve. Just let the MD at the event know before shooting begins.
- Squads are kept as small as possible. We typically go thru about 150+ rounds. You are welcome to stop shooting sooner.
- High-cap mags may be filled to capacity if desired. 22 caliber pistols are also allowed. No concealment required.
- You may alter the courses of fire to help you train on the things you wish to practice. Just let the Safety Officer know…
- Please register and pay at the range building registration window, then remain outside. Exact change is appreciated.
WCRHC IDPA Safety Officers who worked during the 2021 Season shoot for FREE – whether they are helping or just shooting. ” The Club thanks you for your support throughout the year!!!”
IDPA Practice Schedules
NOTE: Summer IDPA practice may be cancelled due to high winds, rain, or lightning. Weather conditions change rapidly. Please use your best judgement before preceding to the range.
Summer IDPA Practices are held on select Wednesdays, April thru September. Please see the club calendar for the IDPA practice schedule. In-person Sign-Up / Registration opens at 5:00 and closes at 5:45 to allow the staff time time to complete the registration and squadding. The cost is $10 per shooter. Practice starts promptly at 6:00pm. A cease fire is called from 4:30PM to 6PM for setup on IDPA practice days.
Holsters: For safety’s sake we are limiting holsters to IDPA-approved strong side holsters only during any of our practices. (Matches have always been this way.) In the event someone arrives at a practice without an IDPA-approved holster, we will allow a bagged gun to be carried to and from the firing line to support a low-ready start.
Any additional practices will be posted in the IDPA Special Events and News section below. All events are also posted on the Events Calendar.
IDPA Classifiers
IDPA Classifiers will be run the 1st Wednesday of every month during Summer IDPA Practice at 6:00 p.m. Cost is $10 to just run the Classifier, or free if you have already paid to shoot the practice that night.
Please contact Geff Bush (geffreybush@yahoo.com) for any questions concerning the Wednesday night Classifiers.
IDPA Safety Officer Training
We are not offering any Safety Officer classes at this time.
Information, pre-requisites, and registration information for IDPA SO training at other clubs in Michigan can be found on the IDPA Michigan Area Website under the “SO Classes” heading.
IDPA BUG Match – October 21, 2023
These will be 10 a.m. MORNING MATCH ONLY shoots! Registration and pricing is the same as our regular monthly matches.
- BUG Match is a holster start. Reloads on the clock. 6 stages. (Please no strip loaders, individual round loading, or single-action revolvers.) You can also shoot the match with your regular IDPA/USPSA competition gun for FUN.
- PCC Match – Five (5) stages with 30 rounds per stage or three (3) stages with 50 rounds per stage . All IDPA rules will be in effect and only PCC’s will be used. No slings will be necessary, as you will not be dumping or hanging your weapon. Please direct all PCC match questions to Jim Panyard at 313-618-9355. Email: mailto:jpanyard
Pre-2020 IDPA Match Results
WCRHC IDPA BUG Champion for 2022, is Alex Saveski
!!! Congrats Alex !!!
Alex will get a brass plaque with his name permanently added to the coveted
WCRHC BUG Championship trophy as the BUG CHAMPION for 2022!
Questions/Comments? Please send me an email at tapple1@comcast.net
The success of any Club’s IDPA program is based primarily on you – the shooters. You are our customers. If you have any ideas on how we might make your IDPA experience at WCRHC better or more meaningful to you, please let me know. I truly appreciate your input. Thank you, Tim
Tim Applegate – IDPA Match Director
Colin Handlon – IDPA Assistant Match Director
Geff Bush – IDPA Summer Practice Director